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מאשר קבלת דיוורים מהאתר

Aviva Sadeh - wanted to make love for her life

 Aviva Sadeh - wanted to make love for her life

My situation was ideal. I had a good job, a great salary, a car, travel abroad…I had everything, but I had nothing, because at the end of the day I felt an emptiness, that something was missing. I came in order to learn, not to take care of myself, but by the end of the process I had both learned and cleared myself [of blockages]. Then I had the idea that I wanted to work as I chose – for fewer hours, doing work that would be fun, working with people, and in which I would earn enough money, and that's just what happened. And I asked for exactly how I wanted my partner to be – tall, charming, smiling, popular, with a jeep and his own business that I would want to manage. It hasn’t been too long, and this is exactly the man that came into my life, and we have a wonderful relationship.

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